Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blog 5: Response to Health Care

It is has been a month since the Health Care Bill passed and signed by Obama and turned into a law. Texas being a primarily Republican state, people were out in hordes protesting the bill and calling it "unconstitutional." What makes this bill unconstitional? I guess it must be everyone being considered as equal by our national government? oh wait, no I think it is because it is known as the "baby killer" bill. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a lawsuit against the bill as have other states saying they will do anything to keep our states from adapting to a change of this stature. The bill states that we should "stand with the people of Texas and not their party...support our liberties; A majority of Americans believe that the Democrats' tactics in passing Obamacare constituted an abuse of power." Before reading the suit I didn't realize that the bill was destroying our businesses and attacking our family budgets. That almost seems laughable. I understand that we have been taken away our rights to say "No" to health insurance and are now mandated to get it but then again who doesn't want it? It has taken me months to get on the side of the bill as a Republican but to hear that it is attacking our families and destroying our businesses makes me realize that my party is just being sore losers because Democrats are holding almost every national seat. Maybe its' time to adapt an old saying? Can't we all just get along? The bill will take time for many to get used to but it is happening for all the right reasons. Go Obamacare!


  1. All else aside, its crucial that the republicans voice their opinions on this bill because that’s what they’re supposed to do. Politics aside, no mater if your republican or democrat, if your for or against health care in whatever fashion it may be, the concerns being raised are legitimate. Not only because they may be right, but also because its their right to have them and express them.

    The issue regarding the legality of this health care bill, as I understand it, relates to whether the federal government is infringing on the constitutionally protected right of the citizen in its passing of this piece of legislation. More specifically, (and I hope I’m right on this) does the federal government have the right to mandate the purchase of a marketed good (health insurance in this instance), under penalty of a fine (if they don’t), as one of this bills articles forces upon the citizen. This is an important constitutional issue with wide ranging implications.

    I expect and would hope, that the Attorney General of Texas and every other state, no matter what their personal politics are or what the predominant political leanings of the particular state are, that they question the constitutionality of every new or existing statute, and oppose it if they see fit, as they are suppose to. It is the Attorney Generals duty to do so, as it is the duty of the opposing party’s (in this case the republicans) place to criticize and expose any issue they might have with any and all legislation brought forth. Its not only their right to use whatever legal methods they might have to contest anything they wish, but its also their duty to do so as (elected or appointed) public officials.

    Its easy to get carried away with the “baby killer” or “Obamacare” type slogans that are being used by both sides. But all this serves to do, is to confuse the issues and breed animosity. Opposing the efforts to question the legitimacy of this bill on the basis of favoring universal health care, just isn’t right. There is always another way to attain universal health care if this provision of the bill gets struck down. Or at least, lets establish right now whether or not its within the federal governments limits to do this.

    Even if I am wrong about the facts involved in what I think the republicans concerns are with this bill. Even if they’re wrong and it is in fact completely legal. Even if their motives are indeed geared towards dealing a blow to this bill just because it advocates universal health care, rather than the noble cause of upholding the citizens right under the constitution. I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one; I don’t care even if they’re doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. As long as it’s the right thing to do, then someone should be doing it.

  2. In blog five, John Muraida reviewed President Obama’s recently passed health care bill in his political weblog, Texas My State. He makes note of the disconcerting factor that Texas is predominantly a Republican state, and, in result, many are in protest, declaring the new law as unconstitutional.

    John and I are in agreement in that we both believe the particular stance Republicans are taking is quite ambiguous at the least. Conservatives argue that the “baby killer” bill is in fact “government takeover of health care,” reports the New York Daily News. I, as most liberals, beg to differ. President Obama’s health care reform bill has revamped the nation’s medical system for the better, and as Rep. Carolyn Maloney effectively states, “Every President since Teddy Roosevelt has wanted to pass health reform. It's a wonderful achievement.”

  3. In a response to my classmate’s article “Response to Health Care” from her blog “Texas My State" discussing that the Health Care Bills has passed.

    The bill states that we should “Stand with the people of Texas and not their party…support our liberties.

    As a citizen, I think the “Health Care Bill” will help. We should stand with the people of Texas and not their party. The bill is about all the right reasons to help the people that are in need of Health Insurance. How can we monitor and keep healthy without insurance? Keeping healthy is not just important, it’s a necessity and in particular to single parents like myself who have to provide and care for the health of our children.

    Every American should have access to quality, affordable health care coverage. This will not only prevent illnesses from become chronic which will save us Americans millions of dollars a year but save countless lives at the same time.
